Refunds Policy

Once you made the deposit towards course fees kindly send us your payment receipt so that we can forward you course registration confirmation letter. The remaining balance of the course fees will be charged on you arrival at School.

The fees of the course is non-negotiable. The advance of the course fees will not be refundable. only in case of emergency students can join us on other schedules of the Course.

Tapas Yogshala reserves the right to refuse your admission if you do not pay the balance fee on arrival. once you check in and joined the course, no refund will be made on the cancellation of the course.

Rules and Guidelines

If you want to be a great teacher, you have to be a great student first.

All students are required to follow the Rules and Regulations for the smooth running of the Teacher’s Training Program and Retreats.

Tapas Yogshala is committed to safeguarding your privacy as an online visitor to our website. We use the information we collect about you to maximize the services that we provide to you. It is important that you feel completely comfortable and confident that your personal information is in safe hands. We respect the privacy and confidentiality of the information provided by you and adhere to the Indian Privacy Principles.

  • All information we receive from our customers is protected by our secure server. secure server software encrypts all customer information before it is sent to us. Furthermore, all customer data collected is secured against unauthorized use or access.
  • It is important that you feel completely comfortable and confident that your personal information is in safe hands. Tapas Yogshala is committed to protecting your privacy extremely seriously and takes all reasonable steps to ensure your information
  • The rules of the School require every aspirant to participate in all activities connected with the practice of Yoga and Meditation.
  • Non-vegetarian food is prohibited on the premises. The food served is vegetarian or Indian food, Sattvic and conducive to yoga, meditation and Ayurveda.
  • Do not wear transparent, revealing, or striking clothing (such as short, short skirts, or skimpy tops) in any of the classes. Dress should be clean, simple, modest, and comfortable
  • Smoking, consumption of alcohol, meat, onion, garlic or any kind of INTOXICANTS will not be permitted.
  • The admission to the courses is open to all without any discrimination of caste, creed or nationality. Children below 12 years are not permitted to stay in the School.
  • Meals are served only in the Dining Hall. Students are not allowed to take food from the Dining Hall.
  • All trainees should be in class at least five minutes before the scheduled time for the commencements of the meditation. Late-comers will not be permitted to attend the class.
  • Final examination and teaching practicum are mandatory. It can be written or oral.
  • Silence is a must follow in the yoga meditation hall during a class.
  • No mobile phones, laptops and photography are allowed during classes. If someone wants photography, he/she has to take permission from all persons who he/she wants to capture.
  • During your stay at the School, should you encounter any difficulties or problems, please contact the MANAGER in the office.
  • Aspirant shall not have any claims for loss, damage, theft or destruction of his/her property or articles left in rooms occupied by him/her.
  • All residents of the School, students, employees- both permanent or temporary – guests, and/or visitors enjoying accommodation in the Ashram cannot claim any tenancy’s rights or any other type of title or claim, whatsoever. No guests are allowed at night. Visitors’ timings are fixed: please observe them.
  • All residents must be back in their school room by 10:00 PM, before the gates closes for the night.
  • Please do not bring blanket/pillow/sheets from your room to the Yoga/Meditation Hall. Room’s articles must not be removed from the room.
  • Please turn off your room’s lights, fan, hot water & water taps when leaving your room.
  • When checking out, please take your clearance slip from the library and the kitchen timely, and submit them in the office to obtain a GATE PASS. Exit without gate pass is NOT allowed.
  • Rights of admission are fully protected & reserved.
  • Any guests or your friends are not allowed within the premises during the course of the Training program, nor are they allowed to live with the student during the month of training.
  • If you have any medical condition or suffering from any disease, please intimate in advance.